What a happy bunch! Could it be because the Tanzania short-term mission team is leaving in eight days from when this picture was taken?
On Sunday, June 11, eight out of the nine team members attended both services at the Hollister campus, where Pastor Matt and the congregation prayed over us! You ask why only eight team members? Taylor, team member nine, left that same morning to be a chaperone for our SVCC Youth at Hume Lake and will return on Saturday to repack her bags for our Tanzania STM (short team mission).
After the team was prayed over at the Hollister campus, we brought our check-in luggage to Lou Ann’s garage where we had to weigh each piece, staying under 50 lbs. Boy! Was I glad Tammy had a digital luggage scale, and we didn’t need to weigh ourselves and then get back on the scale with our luggage! That was the method Jack and I had to use to weigh all of the containers of ministry supplies we packed and inventoried earlier in the week.
Please join us Sunday, June 18 at the Gilroy campus, where, again, we will receive prayer and blessings. Our gratitude and blessings to all of you that made this possible. What a joy to do God’s work! We are so grateful for the generosity towards this mission! As a result of the tremendous financial outpouring and resource provisions, we are able to financially support two additional projects for Hope of the Nations.
One project will be to paint the HotN primary school classrooms, inside and out, and make repairs to the fence in front of the school.
The second project will be to purchase a motorcycle for a new village church plant that will assist him in reaching and serving his community.
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My heart is filled with love and my eyes with tears, as I sign off.
Susan Mister Team Blogger