VBS Victory in the Village! We were unable to go down Lake Tanganyika to hold a VBS camp as we had thought because of boat difficulties. God had a better plan and we spent three days in the village of Bitali, an under-developed small village about 30 minutes from the Bible College where Pastor Youseff, a graduate from Hope of The Nations Bible College, recently planted a church.
We had between 65-75 children each day and shared the love of Jesus through song, dance, games, stories, arts and crafts. We were told to just “love on the children” which was a simple task as they wanted to be held and loved. A few were hesitant of the “Wazungas”, we white folks, many of the kids have never seen a white person, but we definitely felt welcomed into this community. Hearing the music and excitement from this small camp, more kids came on Friday and Saturday, we had several Muslim children join us with their Mama’s staying close by watching and listening as well. We were asked not to take pictures in this village because some think that it steals their soul and others think we will use the pictures to make money. We were able to have a national take a few pictures but not many.
I think we all saw a small miracle in how trusting God manifests itself. After lunch on Saturday, the children gathered into their groups for story time and several children came into the camp and sat on the side lines. Tammy was told that three of the boys could not hear or speak. Tammy tried signing with them using the alphabet, but then called over Lou Ann who opened up the three boy’s worlds when she was able to sign and communicate with a translator at her side. We learn from Pastor Youseff that in their culture, when you have a disability, you are considered an outcast, however for these three boys today God had a different plan, their faces lit up with a feeling of inclusion and acceptance, they then decided to join in the games.
It’s exciting to know our missionary work, this past week, through God’s will and presence, will have a part in helping this new church plant grow. If we stay in trust and obedience, the theme of these VBS activities, God can use us as his vessels. Great is Thy Faithfulness!
We are excited about attending Pastor Dismas church tomorrow, Harold Knepper will be preaching. The team will then enjoy a relaxing day at the beach along with some of the Kids Club leaders that translated for us, they have become such a helpful, energizing part of this team!
Grateful to our church family that made this mission possible. Continue to hold us up in prayer, please, for the week ahead.
Susan Mister, team blogger