Refreshed, Renewed, Restored, Relaxed….and ready to go. On Tuesday morning, Jack, Dan, Zakiya and Lou Ann went back to Kamala to teach and disciple, while Tammy and Susan stayed behind to be on campus for a team member that had a very high fever and diarrhea the night before. After being prayed over, God showed his faithfulness and Tuesday morning, this member woke up hungry and with a normal temperature. Our team leader Mama Tammy kicked into gear to assess, evaluate and get this person on the road to recovery for the next step in this mission. During this “down time” together, Tammy and Susan talked, shared and cried. I feel a deeper connection with this woman who has led me through grieving the loss of my husband, introduced me to singles ministry and the program, “How We Love”.
Teachers teaching teachers was the focus for the team that went back to Hope Of The Nations primary school. Through game playing, Lou Ann and Zakiya created an environment of team building and communication to the twelve male and female primary school teachers and vice principal. These fun activities could be used to identify leaders in their class. Zakiya shared her creative writing curriculum from an “Institute For Excellence in Writing '' (IEW) program. This will give students competent skills in thinking and writing. A book of Aesops Fables was given to the teachers for their campus library.
Jack and Dan spent time with the “Kids Club” leaders discipling them in biblical leadership. Some of the principles taught came from the book, “Lead Like Jesus” and Jack used biblical stories depicting how Jesus interacted and taught His disciples. Dan also introduced about seven discipling principles.
The four returned with a feeling of accomplishment. The teachers can excitedly return to school on Wednesday, with these ideas and tools, then redesign it to their specific grade levels.
The day closed with a team dinner and fellowship with Harold and Coni Knepper, 3 nationals on staff at Hope of The Nations, Sylvester, Moses and Aggrey at The Hilltop Restaurant. With a stunning sunset on Lake Tanganyika, as our backdrop, we were welcomed to a buffet of salad, fruit, pumpkin soup, meat, chicken, mashed potatoes and french fries, called “chips” because of Tanzania’s British occupancy. Returning back home, and then off to bed, after a short team debriefing.
Training and evangelism tomorrow…stay tuned!!
Susan Mister, team blogger