Five months and almost 10,000miles away from the welcomed return of the Tanzania STM (short term mission)missionary trip, scheduled for the end of June, the team of nine has been selected and excitedly met for the first of many meetings and mandated trainings. What is discussed at these meetings? So glad you asked because as a first time missionary, I am as curious as you are! We will be educated about Hope of The Nations (HoTN) vision, cultural etiquette, fundraising, which is where all of you can be involved, and even learn some Swahili!
Devan Corini (not pictured), left to right: Taylor Corini, Team Co-Leader Jack Daley, Dan Peredia, Gloria Peredia, Lou Ann Sackett, Susan Mister, Zakiya Sullivan, SVCC Team Leader Tammy Stone.
The group welcomed SVCC finance manager, Ann Anderson, who explained fundraising, tax implications and her monitoring each donation. She has certainly added more to her plate. Thank you, Ann!
We were also able to connect with Harold Knepper, whom with his wife, Coni, co-founded Hope of The Nations, to discuss the itinerary.
Lastly, we completed a “book” of paperwork and saw pictures from the 2019 Tanzania STM journey. Heart warming!
Keep an eye out for the next blog after the January 19 meeting.
Susan Mister,
Designated team blogger